Return Policy

Return Policy

We hope you enjoy your shopping experience with us. Your satisfaction is always our first priority. ''Contact Us'' to get in touch with our customer service team and describe the items you want to return and the reason for your return.

Our Return Policy is as follows:

  • You may return all products within 30 days(from the date you receive the items) of delivery for exchange or refund. The original bag and tag should be intact, not be damaged.

  • For the returned item(s), we will arrange a replacement or issue a refund after we have checked your return tracking number or receipt.

  • We do not accept returned items that were sent back by you directly without checking with us first.

  • Please do not make returns directly to the address on the package received. Only send to the address that our customer service provided.

  • If you wish to return the items to the nearest return address, please contact us and our customer service will reply to you within 24 hours.

  • Refunds will be issued back to the original form of payment that was used to place your order. Please allow 24 hours with Paypal and 7-15 business days with a credit card for your refund to appear.

  • The original shipping fee and insurance are non-refundable.

  • If the return is caused by the consumer, consumer should be responsible for the shipping fee. The specific fee should be based on the express company you choose.


    If due to our reasons, the goods received are damaged or not correct, and the consumer is not required to bear the shipping fee for this reason.